Monday 3 December 2012



I chose this Kidulthood trailer as it represents a variety of different people boys,girls,teenagers and many more. The main people represented are teenagers they are portrayed as negative role models because this contains money,sex,drugs and violence.
There is a lot of violence shown in this film, mostly revolving around guns and knives. The teenagers use their violence to get what they want and do not seem to know another way of going about it.
The events in Kidulthood seem to focus around drinking, drug taking and promiscuous sex. This is a very typical stereotype of teenagers today as they are portrayed in the media as all being alcoholics and drug addicts and being very promiscuous. However it is a very general statement to make that all teenagers are like that, when in reality it is only a select few that give all of them a bad name. It is shown in the film because the characters are going through the time in their lives where they are experimenting and experiencing new things. They are approaching adulthood; a link to the title of the film; which means they are wanting to act older.
In this film we can see a clear divide between the teenagers who all belong to different social groups. Within these groups there is always one person who is in charge and everyone else follows them and does everything they want. This shows how easily influenced teenagers are and how much they give in to peer pressure. There also seems to be one group that has authority over all the others.

There are a lot of misconceptions about teenagers shown in this film. In a scene where one of the characters is trying to hail a taxi, none will stop for him. Later on, a group of friends resort to using a girl to get a taxi to stop for them as otherwise the taxis would just ignore them. Once they are in the taxi they disrespect the driver by running out without paying.

The film poster above has all the key conventions of a film poster like the production blurb and all the main characters on the central image the tagline is put at the top third of the poster which is 'powerful, moving and unforgettable- kicks the door off it's hinges' this is a very snappy quick catchy tagline.

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