Friday 7 December 2012



The film poster’s key conventions that it has a clear obvious title at the top third of the poster, also it has the main characters on the image of the poster. ‘A Film by Adam Deacon’ this is put there because Adam Deacon is popular in starring in the film genre of urban British comedy like ‘Kidulthood’ and ‘shank’ The poster has the two main characters which are ‘Kenneth’ and ‘Tyrone’ bigger at the front of the poster and the less important people in the background. The production blurb is also put at the bottom of the poster which is a main key convention of a film poster.
anuvahood-film-poster.jpg (570×427)Anuvahood is an urban British comedy. It tells the story of Kenneth, a failing wannabe MC who turns to dealing weed after quitting his job, and is pressured in to supporting his family when the bailiffs turn up to remove their possessions. He is followed around by his ‘crew’ of four friends who are over-shadowed by the resident bully Tyrone.
So... Is it really that simple, or is Anuvahood "just-anuva" film that encourages and enforces negative stereotypes segregating the black population and teaching our youth that these stereotypes are not what we should live by?
In the film trailer it has many key conventions like release date also it has the tagline at the start of the film trailer. The production blurb is put at the end of the trialer and at the bottom of the film poster.

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