Wednesday 26 September 2012

Our own camera shot types

                   High Angle shot


Medium Shot

Close Shot

Low Angle Shot

Extreme Close Up

Long Shot

Established Shot

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Types of Camera Shots

Medium shot:

In film, a medium shot is a camera angle shot from a medium distance. The dividing line between "long shot" and "medium shot" is fuzzy, as is the line between "medium shot" and "close-up". In some standard texts and professional references, a full-length view of a human subject is called a medium shot; in this terminology, a shot of the person from the knees up or the waist up is a close-up shot. In other texts, these partial views are called medium shots. (For example, in Europe a medium shot is framed from the waist up). It is mainly used for a scene when you can see what kind of expressions they are using

Long shot:

In photography, film making and video production, a Long Shot (sometimes referred to as a Full  shot or a wide shot) shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. It has been suggested that long-shot ranges usually correspond to approximately what would be the distance between the front row of the audience and the stage in live theatre. It is now common to refer to a long shot as a "wide shot" because it often requires the use of a wide-angle lens. When a long shot is used to set up a location and its participants in film and video, it is called an establishing shot.

Establishing Shot:

An establishing shot in film making and television production sets up, or establishes the context for a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. It is generally a long- or extreme-long shot at the beginning of a scene indicating where, and sometimes when, the remainder of the scene takes place (Setting)

Close up:

In filmmaking, television production, still photography and the comic strip medium a Close Up tightly frames a person or an object. Close-ups are one of the standard shots used regularly with medium shots and long shots. Close-ups display the most detail, but they do not include the broader scene. Moving in to a close-up or away from a close-up is a common type of zooming.

Bow Wow Album Cover (Liar)


The font used is in a classic style, perhaps suggesting that Bow Wow is enjoying a classy life and enjoys the finer things in life.


Bow Wow is signed to YMCMB which is owned by Young Money. Young Money has various good artists such as Lil Wayne,Drake,Birdman and Mackmain. YMCMB are considered the best up and coming record label.


 I think that this bow wow album cover is mostly aimed at teenagers but also some young adults at their mid twenty's. I think this because Bow Wow is a teenage rapper and he talks about being "cool" so most teenagers will copy him and look at him as a role model.


This album cover represents male teenagers as Bow Wow is a teenager himself and as you can see there is no females in this cover it portrays young male teenagers as bad "Gangsters" of today. This is because you can see Bow Wow with his hood up and putting on a mean face.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

HSBC Different Values

I choose this idea because i thought it would be unique and it really represents life and how if you want something you have to work hard and in good time which leads to success then to money. Abdiasis and me thought this was a good idea because most people are aming for success so they could get money and live a happy easy life. We first came up with the word time then thought that these three pictures will fit perfectly with this word (Time)

Monday 10 September 2012

Evaluting Media lesson

The media lesson that we had on Friday was excellent because I taught me a variety of different skills about magazines and the layout of different types of magazines.The lesson was very helpful and i also realised that these type of life skills could help later on in future life if becoming and magazine journalist or publishes also newspaper journalist; the layout is a very important part of magazine/newspaper publishing depending on the audience your magazine is appealing to. For example children's magazines would have bigger less formal writing so that the kids can understand it properly.

Why I chose media GCSE

I choose media because I thought it was a good subject and Ive heard many amazing things about how interesting the subject is. I also choose it because my brother done it in year 11 and is currently doing A Level Media for sixth form and recommended that I do it. He also told me that it is hardworking subject and takes a lot of hard work,skill and dedication so I choose it because its a fresh start and I am willing to work hard throughout the whole year.